Public Mapping
Digimap has been working on the Public Mapping project which enables 3rd parties to develop web sites and applications using the States of Jersey base mapping, without incurring any licence costs.The generalised Jersey base map, the Jersey Public Map, is provided by the States of Jersey using Esri's ArcGIS Online system and is licensed for use free of charge subject to the following conditions.
- 3rd party developers outside of the States of Jersey will be required to sign a Public Mapping agreement
- 3rd party developers and users within the States of Jersey need to register their use of the data so that they can be notified of any changes to the system.
Technical details
The Public Mapping project serves the States of Jersey base mapping using an ArcGIS tiled service, which serves image tiles of the map at various scales in order to provide optimum speed and performance. Developers use a Digimap provided API to request the current REST endpoint of the Public Maps. This ensures that the current mapping data endpoint is used.The expected workflow is to use the Digimap API to obtain the required mapping data and then use that result with the Esri API. Please see the demo pages for example code.
- Digimap API Documentation is here.
- Full documentation of Esri’s ArcGIS APIs is available via The sign up for this is free of charge and should provide developers with everything they require.
We recommend you use the JavaScript Web API
Demo Site
Please choose the Guernsey or Jersey Public Mapping demo.These demos contain sample code to obtain the REST endpoint for a map and to display it using the Esri JavaScript API.